2015 Presidio GL/SDDA
Venue: Palomar College

Venue Information
Venue: Palomar College
Address: 1140 W Mission Rd
San Marcos, CA  92069-1415
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: https://www.google.com/maps?q=Palomar+College+san+diego+Minkoff+Field&hl=en&sll=33.137551,-0.966797&sspn=32.016882,44.692383&t=h&hq=Palomar+College+san+diego+Minkoff+Field&radius=15000&z=10&iwloc=A
Directions: Minkoff field is located on the northeast side of Palomar College near the back side entrance off Borden Road. Highway 78 to Los Posas, take Los Poasa North to Boarden Road (.9 miles). Take Borden Road east about 1 mile to the back entrance to Palomar College on the right. Minkoff field is at the back entrance. Park in the lot on the left next to the field. NO PETS ALLOWED.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
1 Minkoff Field Large 11 v 11 OPEN Schedule